SEO Keywords

The Right SEO Keywords - Get Ranked Well in Search Engines

After you have verified your website is ready to SEO, the next step is dertermine your SEOkeywords.

How would you like to appear to your clients? Meaning what are keywords would you like your clients to see you?

For example, if you are a t-shirt manufacturer in Malaysia and is currently doing export business, you may want your clients to see you when they search for “t-shirt manufacturer in Malaysia” or “t-shirt exporter”


SEO keyword [img]

SEO Keywords” are the words/phrases that Search Engine Optimizers use to optimize your website. This matches with the words your clients normally search with. There is a lot of keywords suggestion tools that you can used as reference our guide. However, the most important thing is back to the basic – identity your business and also your target market. The right SEO keywords selections brings you excellent return, wrong keywords selection bring you nothing at the end.


Why are the suggested keywords so long?

Most of the time your Search Engine Optimizer will first ask for your idea, when discuss about keywords.  Many of you will want to be listed with the most general word.  

Back to the t-shirt manufacturer story above, as the client, you may want “t-shirt”. People who are selling furniture may want the keyword “furniture”. When these keywords go to Search Engine Optimizers, they will do a feasibility study and counter propose you with longer keywords. The proposed keywords usually contain 2-4 words in a phrase. Then, you might not be satisfied.

Well, research shows that the most effective keywords contain 2-4 singular words. Keywords that is too generic, especially singular word is very hard to attract the right traffic to you. It might attract traffic but not genuine crowd. Image you are a t-shirt manufacturer and you are listed under “t-shirt”. When people search for “t-shirt”, what are they looking for ? Are they looking for special t-shirt printing? Or are they looking for t-shirt merchant ? Or, what ? But, if they search for “t-shirt manufacturer” and they found you, they are most likely looking for what you are supplying don’t you think so?

“s” or No “s”

Has “s” or No “s” actually does not make great difference as long as the “s” means plural of the keyword.

With or without “Malaysia”

This is a very interesting chapter indeed. It is just like .com or A lot of Malaysian businessmen are very hesitating to take up because they don’t want to look Malaysian but they want to appear more “International”.

I give you a very simple example. Let’s say you are going to travel in Hong Kong and now looking for hotels. Do you search “hotels”? or “Hotels in Hong Kong”?

Same goes to your keywords. Add “Malaysia” in your keywords may as of benefit to you. For instance, since Malaysia is so famous by timber therefore we are famous by wood manufacturer. With the rich timber resources in Malaysia maybe we can supply to International market with a lower price. Therefore it is possible people are looking specifically for “wood manufacturer Malaysia”.

I want to be always No.1 in the Google!

It is not hard to hear from clients that they want us to guarantee their SEO result at No.1 in search engines.

Firstly, we do not guarantee results but we assure. In organic search result, we do not guarantee your ranking because we don’t control it. Google or other search engines control it. What we are doing is to fulfill the SEO friendly requirement, understand the algorithm to be best and then optimize your website. At the end of the day, search engine holds the control of your ranking. However, the algorithms always go by logic. We can’t be running too far. But we also cannot ignore the changes of search engine algorithm from time to time. Therefore we always give a range which we will rank your website in the top 20 rankings.

Bottom 5 of First Page or Top 5 of Second Page?

Human being sees things from top to bottom and left to right. You will be surprise that being listed on top5 in 2nd search result page get higher impression that Bottom 5 of 1st search result page. Therefore, don’t get upset when you see “rank 12” in your SEO ranking report!


Not sure is your website SEOed with the right keywords? We can help you to do a FREE feasibilty study!